Monday, May 26, 2008


It is a wonder that even during the time of the foundress of the Congregation of the Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM- Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo), the essence of the link between the Ateneo and Pilar College already existed. Below is a story cut short of what I mean.

When Ignacia was 21 years old, her parents wanted her to marry. Heeding a call deep within but not wanting to disappoint her parents, Ignacia sought counsel from Fr. Paul Klein, a "Jesuit priest" from Bohemia who arrived in Manila in 1682. The priest gave her the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. After this period of solitude and prayer, "Ignacia was inspired by God to remain in the service of the Divine Majesty and she resolved to live by the sweat of her face.” She left home and brought with her only a needle and a pair of scissors. She started to live alone in the house located at the back of the Jesuit College of Manila. Her life of prayer and labor attracted yndias who also felt called to the religious life but could not be admitted into the existing congregation at that time. M. Ignacia accepted these women into her company and the first community was born. They became known as the "Beatas de la Compania de Jesus" because they frequently received the sacraments at the Church of "St. Ignatius" , performed many acts of devotion there and had the Jesuit fathers for their spiritual directors and confessors.

this research story was wonderfully done by Lynn de Vera

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